Professing * Reflecting

Monday, November 24, 2008

Layer Meme

Seen everyone, most recently at Life of a Fool . . .

* Name: Medusa
* Birthday: June
* Birthplace: Jersey
* Current location: Crowded American City
* Eye color: Blue
* Hair color: Blond
* Height: 5'4"
* Righty or lefty: Righty
* Zodiac sign: Cancer

* Your heritage: Irish, French, Cherokee, Cheyenne
* The shoes you wore today: My fake Chloe boots
* Your weakness: Television, junk food, expensive trips to the salon
* Your fears: Boredom, failure, pity (being the object of), large concrete objects in water (yeah, no idea)
* Your perfect pizza: The #10 here
* Goals you’d like to achieve: The death drive is preventing me from answering this question.

* Your most overused phrase on AIM: Yo or howdy
* Your first waking thoughts: Chihuahua
* Your best physical feature: Lips, body, the Medusa hair when it is in its full Medusa glory
* Your most missed memory: Can't recall. HA!

* Pepsi or Coke: Diet Coke
* McDonald’s or Burger King: When I ate fast food, which was mostly when I was a kid, McDonald's. I still occasionally indulge in some fries or a shake, especially when on a Chinatown bus, and I still prefer McDonald's.
* Single or group dates: Single
* Adidas or Nike: Asics
* Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Earl Grey
* Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla. I am one of those strange few people in the world who does not like the taste of chocolate.
* Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino, if available

* Smoke: Camel Lights with Johnny Depp, but only while lucid dreaming (as of July 2005)
* Cuss: Fuck yes. I suspected this was a Southern meme with the iced tea question. Now I know it is.
* Sing: Of course. Who doesn't sing?
* Take a shower everyday: Obv
* Do you think you’ve been in love: Absolutely
* Want to go to college: Usually
* Liked high school: "Like" is a strong word but my experience was far from horrible.
* Want to get married: Depends on the day you ask me
* Believe in yourself: Setting aside some very complicated notions of subjectivity . . .but of course!!
* Get motion sickness: No
* Think you’re attractive: Yes
* Think you’re a health freak: No, but I can become very obsessive about exercise when I have time to exercise.
* Get along with your parent(s): Yes
* Like thunderstorms: I love them. The Chalupa **hates** them, which has complicated my love of them.
* Play an instrument: None well, but: piano, guitar, cowbell, and for a short time in the 5th grade, a viola.

LAYER SIX: In the past month…
* Drank alcohol: Yes
* Smoked: No
* Done a drug: No
* Made out: Yes
* Gone on a date: Yes
* Gone to the mall: Yes
* Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No, though the Golden Oreo is manna from heaven.
* Eaten sushi: No
* Been on stage: Yes
* Been dumped: No
* Gone skating: No
* Made homemade cookies: Yes
* Gone skinny dipping: In my bathtub
* Dyed your hair: No
* Stolen Anything: Kisses

* Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes
* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Extremely
* Been caught “doing something”: Yes
* Been called a tease: Yes
* Gotten beaten up: Yes--in a street fight.
* Shoplifted: No
* Changed who you were to fit in: See complicated notions of subjectivity.

* Age you hope to be married: Is layer eight the heteronormativity layer?
* Numbers and names of children: The Someone and I have about a dozen imaginary children, all of whom are taken care of by imaginary nannies. Some of them are: Blind Faith Biff and Bad Faith Biff (the twins), Fung Wah Baby, Fifty-One Cent, Morpheus and Neo and Trinity (the triplets), and Calamari
* Describe your dream wedding: This is annoying.
* How do you want to die: At my dream wedding
* Where you want to go to college: Wherever I am tenured
* What do you want to be when you grow up: Happy
* What country would you most like to visit: Czech Republic. I have had a strange and overwhelming desire to visit Prague for a while now.

* Number of drugs taken illegally: I went to college in the 80s.
* Number of people I could trust with my life: At least six
* Number of CDs that I own: I have 2775 songs on my iPod.
* Number of piercings: Nine
* Number of tattoos: None. This is still somewhat unbelievable to me.
* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Hmmm. . . good question. I have no idea.
* Number of scars on my body: Three small ones
* Number of things in my past that I regret: Five big ones--one involving a decision, one involving a responsibility, one involving a betrayal, one involving a refusal, and one involving a man. Beyond that, none.




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